
No. of Publications Total IF
Papers in international journals 720 3,379.559
Papers in national journals 90 106.977
Editorials in international journals 11 76.522
Editorials in national journals 30 7.027
Clinical guides 27 249.667
Reviews in international journals 26 185.657
Reviews in national journals 6 6.491

Evolution in the last 5 years


Impact factor and number of publications per Research Areas

No. of Publications  Total IF  Average IF
Oncology VHIR+Oncology Service 189 1246.085 6.593
Endocrinology & Nephrology 44 154.748 3.517
Cardiovascular Diseases 88 452.917 5.147
Neurosciences 216 1,064.341 4.928
Digestive & Liver Diseases 93 507.763 5.460
Infectious Diseases 135 628.122 4.653
Respiratory & Systemic Diseases 133 498.743 4.705
Gynecology, Pediatric Diseases & Experimental Surgery 86 206.749 2.832
Epidemiology, Pharmacology, New Therapies & Clinical Research 22 60.562 2.753
CIBBIM-Nanomedicine 39 165.360 4.240

* Publications participated by two or more research areas are analyzed independently, counting the publication and its impact factor in each of the participant areas.

Impact factor & number of publications per Research Groups

 No. of Publications  Total IF  Average IF
Animal Models & Cancer Laboratory, Melanoma Program 14 82.317 5.880
Bioengineering, Orthopedics & Surgery in Pediatrics 12 31.308 2.609
Biomedical Research in Gynecology 7 19.875 2.839
Biomedical Research in Urology 14 42.525 3.038
Cardiocirculatory Pathology 85 440.602 5.184
Cell & Gene Therapy 1 2.603 2.603
Cell Signaling & Apoptosis 4 16.966 4.204
Chronic Fatigue 5 17.606 3.521
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Drug Delivery & Targeting 18 80.186 4.455
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Immunobiology 5 29.393 5.879
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Kidney Physiopathology 4 8.198 2.050
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Molecular Oncology 5 27.417 5.483
Clinical Neuroimmunology 58 316.638 5.459
Clinical Pharmacology 4 13.108 3.277
Clinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS) 27 120.724 4.471
Diabetes, Metabolism 27 107.407 3.978
Digestive Transplants 7 26.820 3.831
Epidemiology & Public Health 15 40.514 2,701
Experimental Hematology 43 189.681 4.411
Fetal Maternal Medicine 16 42.815 2.676
General Surgery 18 63.096 3.505
Genetics Medicine 15 46.141 3.076
Headache & Neurological Pain 4 11.442 2.861
Health Care Research 1 3.504 3.504
Immunology 5 25.172 5.034
Infection in Immunocompromised Pediatric Patients 12 41.500 3.458
Infectious Diseases 72 371.638 5.162
Liver Diseases 56 320.676 5.726
Magnetic Resonance & Neuroradiology 30 235.176 7.839
Microbiology 37 153.170 4.140
Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 1 2.603 2.603
Molecular Pathology 50 270.937 5.419
Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering 4 10.641 2.660
Nephrology 10 35.693 3.569
Neurodegenerative Diseases 9 84.661 9.407
Neuromuscular & Mitochondrial Pathology 12 60.471 5.039
Neurotraumatology & Neurosurgery Research Group (UNINN) 19 55.171 2.904
Neurovascular Diseases 48 277.460 5.780
New Technologies & Microsurgery in Craniofacial Surgery 2 4.104 2.052
Oncology & Molecular Pathology 13 85.552 6.581
Ophthalmology 7 16.707 2.387
Pediatric Neurology 7 22.445 3.206
Pediatrics Endocrinology 9 20.193 2.238
Peripheral Nervous System 12 29.749 2.479
Physiology & Pathophysiology of the Digestive Tract 31 150.910 4.868
Pneumology 73 281.674 3.859
Psychiatry, Mental Health & Addictions 42 150.156 3.575
Reparative Therapy of the Heart 2 18.279 9.140
Shock, Organ Dysfunction & Resuscitation 8 37.148 4.644
Spine Research Unit 12 31.423 2.619
Systemic Diseases 25 180.093 7.204
Translational Bioinformatics 4 20.059 5.015
Translational Research in Child & Adolescent Cancer 9 46.342 5.149

Distribution of publications per quartiles & first deciles


No. of Publications Total IF Average IF %
Q1 470 3,492.177 7.430 55.69
Q2 195 579.945 2.974 23.10
Q3+Q4 187 319.371 3.168 22.16
TOTAL 844 4,391.493 4.524


No. of Publications  Total IF Average IF % % del 1r quart
D1 201 2,310.820 11.497 23.59 42.76 


Publications in Q1 per Groups

No. of Publications Q1
Animal Models and Cancer Laboratory, Melanoma Program 14 8
Bioengineering, Orthopedics and Surgery in Pediatrics 12 4
Biomedical Research in Gynecology 7 2
Biomedical Research in Urology 14 8
Cardiocirculatory Pathology 85 40
Cell & Gene Therapy 1 0
Cell Signaling & Apoptosis 4 1
Chronic Fatigue 5 2
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Drug Delivery & Targeting 18 15
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Immunobiology 5 5
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Kidney Physiopathology 4 1
CIBBIM – Nanomedicine Molecular Oncology 5 4
Clinical Neuroimmunology 58 40
Clinical Pharmacology 4 2
Clinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS) 27 16
Diabetes, Metabolism 27 14
Digestive Transplants 7 4
Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders 1 1.022
Epidemiology & Public Health 15 1
Experimental Hematology 43 16
Fetal Maternal Medicine 16 7
General Surgery 18 8
Genetics Medicine 15 6
Headache & Neurological Pain 4 2
Health Care Research 1 0
Immunology 5 3
Infection in Immunocompromised Pediatric Patients 12 6
Infectious Diseases 72 51
Liver Diseases 56 35
Magnetic Resonance & Neuroradiology 30 22
Microbiology 37 25
Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 1 0
Molecular Pathology 50 32
Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering 4 2
Nephrology 10 6
Neurodegenerative Diseases 9 9
Neuromuscular & Mitochondrial Pathology 12 7
Neurotraumatology & Neurosurgery Research Group (UNINN) 19 5
Neurovascular Diseases 48 29
New Technologies & Microsurgery in Craniofacial Surgery 2 1
Oncology & Molecular Pathology 13 12
Ophthalmology 7 4
Pediatric Neurology 7 3
Pediatrics Endocrinology 6 0
Peripheral Nervous System 12 0
Physiology & Pathophysiology of the Digestive Tract 31 14
Pneumology 73 22
Psychiatry, Mental Health & Addictions 42 16
Reparative Therapy of the Heart 2 1
Shock, Organ Dysfunction & Resuscitation 8 5
Spine Research Unit 12 6
Systemic Diseases 25 14
Translational Bioinformatics 4 2
Translational Research in Child and Adolescent Cancer 9 5


Publications in Q1 per Research Areas

No. of Publications Q1
Oncology VHIR+Oncology Service 191 109
Endocrinology & Nephrology 44 20
Cardiovascular Diseases 88 40
Neurosciences 216 119
Digestive & Liver Diseases 93 54
Infectious Diseases 135 89
Respiratory & Systemic Diseases 106 41
Gynecology, Pediatric Diseases & Experimental Surgery 73 32
Epidemiology, Pharmacology, New Therapies & Clinical Research 22 3
Nanomedicine 39 27


Distribution of national & international journals

 No. of Publications  Total IF  Average IF
Papers in international journals 677 3,379.559 5.037
Papers in national journals 66 106.977 1.621
IF letters 18 151.058 8.392
Editorials in international journals 11 76.522 6.957
Editorials in national journals 3 7.027 2.342
Clinical guides 35 408.602 12.690
Reviews in international journals 26 185.657 7.141
Reviews in national journals 6 6.491 1.082
Reviews or editorials in international journals 1 2.613 2.613
Reviews or editorials in national journals 1 3.792 3.792
TOTAL 844 4,328.298 5.167


 No. of Publications  Total IF Averange IF %
National 76 124.287 2.209 9.00
International 768 4,204.011 7.138 91.00
TOTAL 803 4,328.298 5.128

International collaborations



Algeria 1
Australia 12
Austria 7
Austria 19
Brazil 1
Canada 20
China 5
Czeck Republic 2
Denmark 2
Finland 5
France 33
Germany 39
Great Britain 58
Greece 6
Hawaii 1
India 3
Israel 4
Italy 31
Japan 7
Mexico 2
Netherlands 17
Norway 4
Portugal 8
South Africa 1
Sweden 8
Switzerland 15
Turkey 5
United States 46

Number of publications in high IF journals

Journal Number of publications Total IF
New England Journal Of Medicine 7 391.111
Cell 1 32.240
Nature Genetics 2 58.700
Nature Medicine 1 27.363
Lancet Oncology 4 98.760
Lancet Neurology 3 65.700
Lancet Infectious Diseases 1 22.430
Cancer Discovery 2 38.900
J Clinic Oncology 7 129.010
Gastroenterology 4 66.880
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 3 49.500
Nat Neurosci 2 32.200
Eur Heart J Suppl 2 31.600
Nat Rev Neurol 2 30.720
European Heart Journal 3 43.290

Number of citations and publications in 2015

 Publications Citations
Oncology VHIR+Oncology Service 134 407
Endocrinology & Nephrology 44 63
Cardiovascular Diseases 88 253
Neurosciences 216 1,115
Digestive & Liver Diseases 93 205
Infectious Diseases 135 338
Respiratory & Systemic Diseases 106 215
Gynecology, Pediatric Diseases & Experimental Surgery 73 50
Epidemiology, Pharmacology, New Therapies & Clinical Research 22 24
CIBBIM-Nanomedicine 39 56