

Staff with professional relationship with the Institute 1,407
Research staff 941
•  Principal Investigators (PI) 210
•  PhD researchers 103
•  Collaborator researchers 211
•  Researchers subordinated to short term projects
•  Researchers in training 225
•  Scientific support staff 470
•  Core facilities staff 90
Management and administration 62
General services and maintenance 19
Researchers funded partially or totally through competitive tenders and
research networks
Staff Ratio
(Management and administration + General services and maintenance) / Principal Researcher


Research Activity

Research projects granted on 2015 86
Ongoing research projects 290
Ongoing clinical trials 884


Scientific production

Total of publications 844
Original articles published in indexed journals 800
Total impact factor reached through indexed journals 4,328.298
Percentage of publications in the 1st decil 29.9%
Percentage of publications in the 1st quartile 32.1%
Ongoing clinical trials 884
Clinical guides 27
Granted patents or utility models* 8
Transferred patents or utility models* 9
Start-ups o spin-offs created 0
Ratio published articles / researchers (senior, postdoc, in training) 1.60


Economic Figures

Funds collected with a competitive origin (M€) 14.75
Funds collected with a non competitive origin (M€) 22.50
Direct funds from Generalitat de Catalunya (M€) 2.1
Total overheads from competitive and non competitive funded projects (M€) 5.17
(competitive + non competitive funds)/Direct funds from Generalitat de Catalunya (M€)



No. of patents or utility models granted accumulated until 2015 39
No. of patents or utility models transferred accumulated until 2015 13