Respiratory & Systemic Diseases
Chronic Fatigue
José Alegre-Martín
Naia Sáez-Fràncas, Natalia Calvo Piñero, Jesús Castro-Marrero, Mónica Faro, Luisa Aliste, Amelia Marquino
The CFS/ME Research Working Group is mainly focused on the study of the neuroimmune and inflammatory response pathways, bioenergetic and mitochodrial metabolism, neuropsychological impairment and neurocognitive functioning in CFS/ME by appropriately qualified healthcare professionals. The main aim is to improve diagnostic tools and identifying clinical and lab markers to assess therapeutic response through of intervention studies. Also, we are participating in clinical trials and the E.U. Framework Programme for Research and Innovation projects in order to improve the prognosis and quality of life in patients suffering CFS/ME. In December 2015, the Barcelona CFS/ME Working Group was selected to take part in the first European Network for the study of CFS/ME (EUROMENE) funded and supported by the E.U. Framework Programme H2020 through the Cost Action program.