Endocrinology & Nephrology
Daniel Serón
Researchers Francesc Moreso, Eugenia Espinel, Carme Cantarell, Manel Perelló, Joana Sellares, Alfons Segarra, Irene Agraz, Natalia Ramos, Maria Galicia, Maria Antonia Azancot , Ivan Gil, Irina Betsabe Torres. Maria Sarrias, Oreto Prat, Estefania Lozano, Anna Caraben, Joan Fort, Costa Requena G.
Nephrology research is focused in the study of kidney transplant and chronic kidney disease outcomes. The main area of interest in renal transplantation is the evaluation of risk factors associated with subclinical inflammation in renal allograft biopsies and its relationship with main outcome variables. In the area of clinical nephrology main interests are the relationship between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease as well as treatment of diabetic nephropathy and glomerular autoimmune diseases.
In 2015 a collaboration with the Oslo University Hospital has started to evaluate the relationship between early inflammation and donor specific antibodies and collaborative studies to evaluate the utility of microarrays to fine tune histological diagnosis in kidney transplantation have continued. This year we have started a project aimed to characterize the relationship between subclinical inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in kidney transplants and another project on IgA nephropathy. Finally, our participation in phase II and III clinical trials in renal transplantation and chronic kidney disease has continued.